Manchester BME Network 2011 • Privacy Policy • Terms of Use














Manchester Equalities Hub


The Manchester Equalities Hub (The Hub) is a collective of key Manchester third sector organisations with strategic equalities and fairness expertise where, together, we aim to reduce inequality in Manchester.


The Hub uses a wider definition of equality:


“An equal society protects and promotes equal, real freedom and opportunity to live in the way people value and would choose, so that everyone can flourish. An equal society recognises people’s different needs, situations and goals, and removes the barriers that limit what people can do and be."[1]


This definition is more aspirational and covers the widest range of inequalities (i.e. Carers/Poverty/Homeless/Unwaged/ill-Health/etc.) as well as those covered by UK and European anti-discrimination and Human Rights legislation.


Our mission is to tackle inequality across Manchester in whatever form or setting it may exist.

Our vision is for Manchester to be a more equal and fairer place for everyone.

To achieve our mission and vision, the objectives of the Hub will be to:

  • Inform, challenge, advocate and campaign, as appropriate, to address areas of  disadvantage and discriminatory practice;
  • Engage Manchester’s public, private and third sector organisations to improve their performance in tackling inequality;
  • Undertake and/or participate in research to evidence inequality in Manchester and the effectiveness of interventions;
  • Raise awareness of The Hub through training events, conferences, social media and any other suitable methods;

·     Increase resources of the Hub, through the utilisation of the expertise of Hub members.

[1] For the purpose of this document, we have adopted the definition of equality as defined in the Fairness and Freedom: The Final Report of the Equalities Review:




Current action plans and documents in development


2013 Action Plan (Updated 06.05.13)


Draft Terms of Reference


Latest Notes/Minutes









Current Membership:

Mcr BME Network (Admin)

Lesbian & Gay Foundation


Mcr Council Community Relations

Voluntary Youth Manchester

Breakthrough UK 

Manchester Disabled Peoples Access Group

Mcr Refugee Support Network

Age Concern

Faith Network 4 Manchester

Pankhurst Centre / Women's Aid


Mcr Carers Centre







Resources / Briefing Papers


Briefing Paper 1/11

Equality Impact Analyses


Briefing paper 2/11

Freedom of Information Requests